[MD] static patterns of value

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 1 15:00:06 PDT 2013

"The MOQ starts with the source of undifferentiated perception itself as the ultimate reality. The very first differentiation is probably `change`. The second one may be `before and after`. From this sense of `before and after` emerge more complex concepts of time."

(letter from ROBERT M. PIRSIG to Anthony McWatt, February 23rd, 1998)

Marsha said to dmb:
'Change' is a concept!   Keep Dynamic Quality concept free! 

dmb says:
Yes, I know. You're saying that as if you were refuting something I claimed. 

If I'm guilty of assigning any concept to DQ, it would be "pre-conceptual experience", which  really just reflects the language in the evidence. To say this experience is unpatterned or ever-changing MEANS that it can't be conceptualized or defined. These are ways of using concepts to keep the concepts out of it. Words like "pre-conceptual" and "undefinable" are and the phrase "not this, not that" are only negative descriptions. They only tell you what DQ is not. 

"Dynamic Quality is the term given by Pirsig to the CONTINUALLY CHANGING FLUX of immediate reality while static quality refers to any concept abstracted from this flux." (McWatt)

"...just a flow of perceptions. We do not know that there is something "out there". We have only experiences of colours, shapes, tactile data, and so on. ..., there is only an EVER-CHANGING FLOW of perceptions." (Paul Williams, "Mahayana Buddhism", p.83/84). 

"... something more fundamental which [James] described as 'THE IMMEDIATE FLUX OF LIFE ...this basic FLUX OF EXPERIENCE"  		 	   		  

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