[MD] hear a cry, see a dark shape...

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sat Oct 5 02:01:07 PDT 2013

Can't help but ask, based on what do I designate there to be a dangerous wolf?  Based on what do I hear a sound and see a shape?  

On Oct 5, 2013, at 3:32 AM, MarshaV <valkyr at att.net> wrote:


Lately, I've been thinking about this little scenario.  I collected it somewhere along the journey:

Imagine I am in a forest on a dark night.  I hear a cry and see a dark shape.  It is a wolf.  I am immediately afraid.  From the wolf's side, there is no wolf and no danger.  It doesn't think of itself as a wolf or a terrifying animal.  All that is coming from my side.  So the entity "wolf" and the danger all arise simultaneously with the mind perceiving it.  It is the same substance [value].  


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