[MD] Fwd: Re: Static Patterns Rock!

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 14 06:20:09 PDT 2013

David M to Andre:
Yes the intellectual views of SOM stop us seeing what quality really is, 
in the MOQ there is no such problem, I have no idea what you think you 
are challenging in what I said.

I was 'challenging' your use of 'pre-cultural SQ', cultural-SQ etc. It 
seems to me that Horse's response makes more sense to you now. Before 
this I must have misunderstood these 'neologisms'. I mean, pre-cultural 
is simply organic spov's (or biological patterns of value). Cultural 
spov's are a combination of social- and intellectual spov's.
To make it more confusing; that which we can apprehend (DQ) is 'working' 
at all levels, so 'pre-intellectual' (i.e. intellectual level) is not 
the only level to distinguish between, say DQ (unconceptual, 
indifferentuated) and spov's at that level (conceptual, differentiated) 
and the expression should be replaced with pre-static (unles 
specifically stated of course). I hope this makes sense. All I'm really 
saying is that DQ 'operates' at all levels.

I have no hidden motives or agendas,...

Glad to hear that.

yes I call this exploration of alternative ways to distinguish between DQ,  biological SQ and cultural SQ philosophy, are you on the wrong forum or am I,  are we just meant to sit around read Pirsig,  give a round of applause,  pat each other on the back and never think for ourselves?

No, by all means, ask away and think for yourself. Thinking for somebody else happens all too often in this increasingly globalized political economic system  ;-).

I'm glad to hear that what Horse said made good sense to you despite dmb's long efforts.

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