[MD] Static Patterns Rock!

Andre andrebroersen at gmail.com
Thu Oct 17 12:47:28 PDT 2013

Joe to Andre:
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!"

So you Joe, support Marsha in her denial of human extermination and 
atrocities committed over the years in favor of her vipassana findings 
(which are hypothetical and incomplete)?

Let me go to your 'exalted' level: The one that writes Marsha's words is 
the one that reads them. There is no difference. Do you understand what 
I am saying here?

Thing is: I am ridding myself of Marsha's words. They are contemptible. 
We're not living in the world of the Buddhas Joe, but are supposedly 
discussing Pirsig's MoQ. Get it? Pirsig's MoQ.

Marsha is an embarrassment to this site. Her patterns are an aberration 
of Pirsig's MoQ. She's an aberration to her own patterns and does 
nothing to farther the improved cause of the whole of mankind.

There were no takers! DQ/SQ Metaphysics are not a precisely flowing 
discipline. Analogy and metaphor, when acknowledged, are useful to help 
portray indefinable DQ.

I get the sense that you do not understand DQ/sq Joe. If you do follow 
them in a 'flowing discipline' (which is what they are) 'when 
acknowledged' they are the help, not to portray but follow 'indefinable DQ'.

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