[MD] Zen at War

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 23 07:40:48 PDT 2013

Marsha said to Andre:
What did 'illusion' mean to YOU when you posted:
'The world is an illusionBrahman alone is realBrahman is the world'
In fact, I am not familiar with this MoQ ditty and I am unfamiliar with RMP's use of 'Brahman'. Please explain how this relates to the MoQ? 

Marsha said to Andre:
...And I still hold that the fundamental nature of the world is Quality, while static (value) patterns are useful projections (conventional reality).  Dynamic quality and static (patterned) quality rise and fall together.  >From the Heart Sutra:  Form is empty. Emptiness is form: Emptiness is not other than form; form is also not other than emptiness.  --- I consider the MoQ's DQ/sq split merely a rhetorical device.  So now, complain about that.  :-)

dmb says:
It's funny how Marsha is baffled by the "ditty" about Brahman but then later asserts the same idea in a different form. Since they both have the same meaning, this strongly suggests that Marsha is just parroting phrases and slogans that she doesn't really comprehend.

The world is an illusion = Form is empty
Brahman alone is real = Emptiness is form
Brahman is the world =  Form is not other than emptiness.


The world is an illusion = static patterns are not reality = nihilism
Brahman alone is real = Dynamic Quality alone is reality = 180 degree enlightenment
Brahman is the world =  DQ is the source and substance of everything = 360 enlightenment


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