[MD] Un-Pure Experience

Andre andrebroersen at gmail.com
Mon Oct 28 11:59:04 PDT 2013

Marsha to Andre:
I not only agree with Mark that language is a kind of prison, but I also 
think patterns are a kind of prison.
"To the extent that one's behavior is controlled by static patterns of 
quality it is without choice. But to the extent that one follows Dynamic 
Quality, which is undefinable, one's behavior is free." [LILA}

Marsha now: Yes, in this context it fits well.

Do you have any other contexts in mind than 'this' one? The statement is 
a very general one and I wonder if you have something else in mind. To 
be suspicious, I wonder if you have something else 'up your sleeve'Lucy?.

The reason I am asking is because I am convinced that you do not take 
spov's (in general) serious because, as you assert, they are 'like an 
illusion'. And since you claim that DQ and sq arise together DQ is 'like 
an illusion' as well. Which is fine by me.

But my concern is that therefore, logically, the MoQ is 'a kind of 
prison' for you. Patterns are 'a kind of prison' and it is in this 
context that I see problems with your interpretation/perspective which 
is based, solely it seems, on your vipassana experience.
This type of experience is monological, i.e. you are the only one 
experiencing it and interpreting this experience. And if this, let's 
call it non-dual reality that you are engaged in, is supposedly  the 
union of emptiness and form (as you claim: DQ is none other than sq) 
your meditation gets the emptiness right but NOT the form. The emptiness 
is right, because there is nothing to get wrong but you miss the nature 
of form (of sq). And that is because you refuse to go into dialogue 
(your behavior on this discuss is exemplary in this regard) and you 
refuse to 'subject' your experience to scientific analysis (the way 
Buddhists do and have done) i.e those that have no interest in your 
'personal' needs whatsoever.

What you are promulgating therefore is a subjective solipsism, an 
attitude of: MY experience is right and fuck everyone who's against it 
or challenges it (even Pirsig's MoQ).

But furthermore, and in consequence of this, all your expressions of 
'concern' and the 'head and the heart and the hands' come over as 
totally fake. By proclaiming the championship of DQ over sq you are, 
inadvertently or not, selling yourself as a fake, as a non-caring, sq 
rejecting jungle of static patterns of yourself.

In effect, you are denying your Being as manifestation in human form.

Once again: we are discussing Pirsig's MoQ (which is an intellectual 
pattern of value) and NOT your vipassana experience. Although this 
'experience' tells us a lot about your interpretation of this self same 

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