[MD] Welcome to Horse's MOQ Wild West Saloon Bar

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Aug 12 06:20:34 PDT 2014

John Carl commented on Doc McWatt's "Wild West" post: 

Sigh. Refutation of a nonsensical accusation doesn't really get anybody
anything.  I'll let my record stand as told in the archives and leave this [comment of Ant's] "I skimmed read half of LILA years ago so now think I'm now a doctorate in the MOQ" go.
Besides, I'm still in a neck brace and not in the mood for fighting.

Ant "The Doc" McWatt comments:

Howdy partners!

I just felt a gentle punch below the belt...  Now, is that one of my kids wanting a double shot of some strong Mr Miller's "Big Sur" liqor yet again...  Hell, no, it's the fancy man from California but... with a milkshake.  I have to say that is not my favorite tipple.

Actually, you don't look too good Mr Carl... I'll better just push your wheelchair behind the bar so you don't get caught up in anything a bit too heavy - at least for now.  

By the way, I did see the large sign in town advertising this new tree surgery business that you're hawking around these here parts now.  Though looking at you this evening (and I don't mean to pay you any disrespect here), I'll get a professional in when that big fir tree in my small holding needs cutting down to size...

As my old drinking partner, Mayor Eastwood, used to say: "Every man must know his limitations".

No matter; the hardest lessons in life are often the best ones (presuming they don't kill you first).  When you're up to hitting me a "big one" (and let's all hope that is sooner rather than later), you'll find me with the boys in Horse's new "Herbal Smoking Room". I don't intend to be going any where in a hurry (especially now old Holden's saloon bar "The Man on the Moon" has closed up shop).

In the meantime, you keep up the good fight there, Mr Carl!

The Doc 

Jan-Anders had said August 10th:

"Hello Dan, and all, welcome back into the boxing ring JC!"

Ant "The Doc" McWatt commented August 11th:

Now Jan-Anders, as a "street philosopher" rather than an "academic
philosophologist", I never really think of MOQ Discuss as a "boxing
ring" but more like a Wild West Saloon Bar philosophical "punch up" as found in a 1950s widescreen Spaghetti Western.  So as I'm in a mean mood today, I'm going to get my metaphorical punch in first and knock that stupid looking bowler hat (only an English gentleman in the City of London looks cool in one, sorry!) off your Scandinavian sex maniac head BEFORE I get hit on the back of the head by a metaphorical chair by one of the other contributors here. (Notice in my last post how I ducked out of the way with the word "EXPERIENCE" before John "I skimmed read half of LILA years ago so now think I'm now a doctorate in the MOQ" Carl even had a chance to throw that one at me as I came through the saloon doors earlier!)

So to to pick up one of your "cissy" anti-drug comments from June, everyone NOT in a coma (or under ten) takes drugs whether that's just a cup of coffee in the morning, LSD at night or Heroin in the afternoon and all of them have negative & positive effects.  That's why high quality education about drugs from an early age is important especially in this modern age of ours where it is just too EASY to get anything drug-wise (despite what ever nasty & cheap substance the "corporate man" wants to sell you).  Responsibility & Freedom go hand in hand just like Sundance & Cassidy.

As Mr John Wayne once said: "Now get off your HIGH horse & drink your milk"!  :-)


P.S. Please note the new html address for the Robert Pirsig website:


P.P.S. And, if you big fan of sexual perversion AND the MOQ, then you'll no doubt enjoy Jan Ander's e-book: "Money & the Art of Losing Control":



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