[MD] Step two

ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Fri Aug 22 07:56:54 PDT 2014

For the latest on this topic:

Thanks, Craig. I am unfamiliar with Bratman, but will add this to my list to take a look at. 

One note, as I had said in a post to Ant, typically those working with the sociocultural tradition align with Pirsig's MOQ as a basic tenet of both is that sociality emerges from biology. I am not sure I see this in the overview for this book where it states "There is an independent reason - grounded in the diachronic organization of our temporally extended agency - to see planning structures as basic to our individual agency. Once these planning structures are on board, we can expect them to play central roles in our sociality." Here, I'd want to explore what Bratman means by "planning structures" (and how they get "on board"), as I've not encountered anyone using this term before. 

By the way, I do see in Tomasello's newest book (The Natural History of Human Language), which I have not read yet either (too much to read, most days I feel like Burgess Meredith in the Twilight Zone), now refers "shared intentionality" rather than "shared attention", so there ya go. :-)


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