[MD] Sociability Re-examined

Craig Erb craig_erb at ymail.com
Sun Aug 24 01:24:15 PDT 2014

[John Carl]
> In life we find three different types of society - Instinctive, imitative
and codified.
> Instinctive includes the ants and the bees, which have social structures
hard-wired into their DNA.
Imitative sociability is that which we find amongst the wolves and the
dolphins and all  mammals (including > humans) to a greater or lesser extent
Codified, is that special realm of social patterning that is transmitted
through oral or written rules that are
> passed from
generation to generation which seems to be the exclusive domain of humans.  

Pirsig labelled the 3rd level 'social', but he could just as well have said 'institutional' or 'rule-governed'.  IMHO the important point is this: everything third level is social, but not everything social is third level. 

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