[MD] Art and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Tue Jan 14 11:02:12 PST 2014

Hi Joe,

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:57 AM, Joseph Maurer <jhmau at comcast.net> wrote:

> Hi Ian and All,
> In DQ/SQ metaphysics words express reality through logic, logos-logic.

J:  I'm not exactly sure what you mean by " DQ/SQ metaphysics" (so many
people have different ideas) but in plain old english, words express
reality/experience through a combination of logic and

Logic by itself doesn't get anywhere.


>  DQ
> is indefinable, maintaining meaning through structure, metaphysics, words.


seems to me that if something is truly indefinable, then the only way it
can maintain its meaning is if you don't define it (talk about it).


> How can a meaning of words be indefinable?

John:  It can't, that was my point.


 One size does not fit all!

John:  unless it's a real big size and you don't mind it fittin' baggy.


> Keep
> looking DQ/SQ until you feel satisfied!

John:  How many selves are there?  As many as you need.


> Individuality has meaning before 1
> moves.

John:  The will to be comes before actual being.


>  DQ/SQ hosts structure, reality.
 If Quality = experience then your "DQ/SQ hosts reality" is mere tautology
but thanks anyway,


> Joe

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