[MD] 42

david dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 24 20:13:01 PST 2014

John said:
SOM is a social pattern.

Arlo replied:
I've been avoiding this, and I think Dan gave a great reply already, but since you're saying this again let me say, "no". "SOM" is an intellectual pattern of values that holds subjects and/or objects and primary metaphysical entities.

dmb says:
Thanks, Arlo. I agree. SOM is the root cause of a defect in rationality. It refers to an ontological dualism and yes, as the name indicates so clearly, "subject-object metaphysics" is a philosophical term. It's associated with the modern Western scientific worldview but the roots of it can be traced all the way back to the first Greek philosophers, as Pirsig and others have shown. The notion that it's a social pattern is real head-scratcher, I think. 


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