[MD] Anti-intellectualism revisited

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 10:17:01 PDT 2014

On 6/16/14, Andre Broersen <andrebroersen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Andre:
> I think it ought to be very clear from John’s latest response to my post
> that he is indeed following in Marsha’s footsteps.

Jc:  There is no way I could possibly follow in Marsha's footsteps.
She dances in her own way and hears a rhythm in her ears that is
mysterious to me.  But in my own plodding way, I do coincide now and
then like some weird Polyrhythm conceived in another world and we
glimpse on another in the eyes and smile.



>Nothing but mocking
> insults to both dmb and me (least of which is confusing the quality of the
> posts of these two)

Jc:  I didn't mean to mock.  I was sincere.  Even if I'm wrong, its
pragmatically convienient to lump two such similar voices into one
personality.  If you're not dmb, then you are his slave, because you
follow his line slavishly.


and, by implication, making a mockery of LILA and ZMM
> i.e. Pirsig has failed (in some way), Pirsig doesn’t know what he is talking
> about etc etc.

Jc:  All I said was, he wasn't perfect.  No human is.

> I will not take up more space than needed (eg by going over and responding
> to John’s wanking) as it is a waste of time.

Jc:  That's what you always say.  You can't figure out how to engage
me intellectually because you're not very smart so you resort to
insult and bluster and parroting dogma.  It's a shame really.
Something ought to be done about it, but that's not my job.


 I predict that if John keeps
> passing wind like this his days on this MD are numbered.

I predict if dmbab keeps avoiding intellectual value, MD's days are numbered.


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