[MD] Anti-intellectualism revisited

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Jun 22 18:35:14 PDT 2014

Jan Anders Andersson said to DMB, June 22nd 2014:

Thanks David

Your inlays are quite worthy as John is not the only one that needs some of this.

I have some discussions now and then who I have to spend some time on to get what kind of language they'll understand. John [Carl] doesn't seem to understand yours or RMPs, that's sad but it can't just be impossible.

Ant McWatt comments:

That's very generous of you Jan!  As far as Pirsig's published texts and papers go, I don't think I could divide DMB's thoughts (about the MOQ at least) from Robert Pirsig's with a letter knife.  This was kind of confirmed by Pirsig himself in conversation during July 2005 (when he travelled over with Wendy to see me graduate at Liverpool University). 

Otherwise, I guess John Carl is symptomatic of a society (namely the United States) that is still overshadowed by its founding by religious zealots. Of course, the USA has produced some great intellectuals (Gore Vidal is one of my favorites, Noam Chomsky another and, more recently - thanks to Dan's recent reference to him here - Kurt Vonnegut) but there remains this social history and its debilitating influence right up to the modern day. 

Now, I know in the UK, there is less evidence of this intellectual-social type of conflict.  For instance, the Church of England has been on the wane for a good hundred years plus so its influence on everyday life here is now minimal. And when I do hear Justin Welby - the present head of this Church - his concerns (despite the OTT religious wrapping) seem largely intellectual to me: "I’d like to end with a prayer for the Global Freedom Network in its 
struggle to persevere against modern slavery and human trafficking: that
 the Church has the freedom and courage to witness to and to serve the 
cause for peace, together, globally. Amen." 


Anyway Jan, presumably modern day Scandanavia is more similar to the UK (than the USA) in this regard though no doubt you can enlighten me if not!

Best wishes,




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