[MD] Sociability Re-examined

ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Sat Sep 6 11:27:14 PDT 2014

Perhaps we should look for examples of social immorality:
I promise to meet you, but don't meet up.
We agree to meet, but I don't meet up.
I intend to meet you (but don't promise to) & I realize you recognize my intention, but don't meet up.
You expect me to meet you and I realize this, but I don't meet up.
I intend to meet you, but don't meet up.

Which of these are humans but not animals capable of?
Which of these are 3rd level & which are merely 2nd level?

For Tomasello, and others following the socio-cultural tradition, all of these are social. They all derive from semiotically-mediated activity. Even the ones that are not outright 'verbal' above require some manner of language to enable the activity. 

The biological (neural) origin of shared attention is pre-language, and limited to the experiential moment. The social act of formulating 'plans', even mentally and not spoken out loud, requires at least some manner of semiotic-symbol manipulation. 

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