[MD] New Pirsig Article

ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Tue Feb 20 12:19:00 PST 2018

Hi All,

Not sure if this has already been mentioned here. Just saw a new article (well, 3 months new) published in the journal Philosophy and Rhetoric (Volume 50, Number 3, 2017).

Quality, Rhetoric, and Choric Regression: Revisiting Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Thomas Frentz


If you're unable to access let me know (I never know what access is invisibly linked to my PSU login).



Arlo Bensinger
Instructional Designer
Filippelli Institute for e-Education and Outreach 
College of the Liberal Arts
211 Willard Building
Email: ajb102 at psu.edu

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