[MF] reality: interactions or quality?

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 04:45:51 PST 2006

On the "enlightenment cliche" that "religion causes war" - we've hit
the big one.

The difficult word is not "religion" or "war" it's the word in the
middle, "cause".
Causation - the biggy.

In a common sense way I'd actually agree religion causes war, in the
same way I'd agree oil causes war, economics causes war, and
dick-heads in high-office causes war.

My response is NOT "therefore" religion is evil, oil is evil, etc
(even the dick-heads are not actually evil) ...
My response is "I wonder why", what goes wrong with the human
processes, hmm that seems quite complex, etc ... what can we learn ...

I left simplistic syllogistic logic and immediate causation behind a
long time ago.
(Unlike the dangerous Dawkins', Bush's and Blair's of this world.)


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