[MF] Is the pinnacle of human experience...

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Sat Jan 21 12:22:30 PST 2006

Kevin, Ted and all MOQers:

Ted said to Kevin:
Dr. McWatt's textbook "An Introduction to Robert Pirsig's Metaphysics of 
Quality", (available at his website - an excellent read!), there is a 
critique of the MoQ regarding compassion, at the end of Chapter 5. First, 
McWatt cites "Rahula's 'definition of compassion as  representing universal 
'love, charity, kindness, tolerance, and such noble qualities on the 
emotional side.'  However he is careful to note that it must be balanced by 
wisdom: "If one develops only the emotional, neglecting the  intellectual, 
one may become a good-natured fool; while to develop only the intellectual 
side neglecting the emotional may turn one into a hard-headed intellect 
without feeling for others.  Therefore, to be perfect one has to  develop 
both equally. That is the aim of the Buddhist way of life; in it wisdom and 
compassion are inseparably linked together" (Rahula,  1959)

dmb says:
Good point.

In an effort to get a handle on what Kevin is trying to say I asked Mr. 
Google. I plugged in the words faith, love, hope and relationship and got 
millions of hits. After looking for a little while I realized that they were 
all Christian sites of one sort of another and that Kevin's terms are mostly 
theological or merely sentimental and not particularly philosophical. So it 
seems to me that what's missing from the MOQ is Kevin's favorite sentiments 
and religious beliefs. Its easy to understand that Kevin might not like that 
too much but, philosophically speaking, I see no problem with that. I mean, 
as an anti-theistic system, the MOQ isn't supposed to be compatible with 
theological concepts.

"God is gentleman through and through. And in all probability Episcopal 


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