[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

gav gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Mon Aug 7 18:15:30 PDT 2006

hey case,

--- Case <Case at iSpots.com> wrote:

> [Case]
> My reasons for not liking 'supernatural' are similar
> to dmb's for not liking
> faith. But where I see faith in everyday life in the
> form of trust, belief
> and confidence, I see the supernatural on the SciFi
> channel. It is of course
> simply a personal preference in terminology but if
> you believe in infinite
> oneness how can something be outside of that?

> [gav]
> the Tao is the  implicate order that becomes
> explicate in an infinite
> cascade of quality events in manifest reality.
> [Case]
> I like your use of the Tao except insofar as you
> give it intelligence. It is
> not a thing. It is The Way. It is the path of
> harmony. It resonates within
> us. The perception of harmony comes from within. Red
> resides on retinas not
> apples.

no it doesn't. that is SOM thinking. the perception of
redness is prior to an object possessing that colour
and a subject with a retina.

 We are each after all manifestations of the
> Tao evolving. But I see
> no 'intelligence' implied, nor a promise of bliss;
> only a strategy for
> seeking the Way.

an all encompassing evolving way, *without*
intelligence. sorry i don't get that.
the Tao IS intelligence. 

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