[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 08:00:10 PDT 2006

Arlo said ...

> [Arlo]
> It is a call to arms, against static power institutions that have turned spirituality into a device to secure their own power of others. Why shouldn't we rage against that machine? It is gross hypocrisy to give those seeking enlightenment the very metaphors designed for that purpose, and then blind them with the language of subservience and obedience to their social power. In this way, the very thing that is supposed to be liberating becomes ensnaring.
> [what is needed is]
> ... looking past the static descriptions of "God"; made through particular analogues of cultural significance, and towards the uncapturable Godhead/Quality/Buddha.
> [End Arlo]

Spot on Arlo .... helping people "see past" the straw-men is the
problem of our age.


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