[MD] Dreaming and death
gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Thu Aug 10 17:57:31 PDT 2006
hey guys,
mark you said that sleep and death are a case of
dropping the static and opening up to the dynamic...
so we can, and of course ultimately do, go totally
dynamic...we return to the source...and then the
source produces manifest reality in the wake of
quality events.
now this source is real to me. it ain't some
wishy-washy speculation; it is integral to an MOQ that
makes sense. without this 'source - world - source'
cycle the MOQ don't work.
people are scared of death; of pain, of the last
breath, of hell, of not-being. i think that is obvious
in our society: we can't handle death and we can't
handle sex: anglo-american society is severely
retarded in these respects.
does the MOQ affirm that death, like everything else,
is essentially illusory?
why do so many indigenous peoples worship their
ancestors? is it that they realise that their
ancestors continue to influence manifest reality, via
DQ? this seems right to me.
what is dynamic quality? is it the integrated
consciousness/intelligence of everything (and
i know we aren't supposed to talk much about DQ -
unpatterned reality - but it is there and it is
integral, the lynchpin, of the MOQ. as far as i am
concerned it is proof of afterlife, or whatever you
want to call it (obviously difficult to describe here
folks) cos it exists after you die. i think that this
point is of some comfort generally...but maybe i am
just too narcissistic: immortality or nothing!
and a non-sequitur to finish: when we talk of 'god' we
need to remember that we are really often talking of
'gods'. even the bible has been changed in this
regard: 'gods' replaced with 'god'. i think that our
evolution is about consciousness, wedded to a material
body, evolving to a point where we are gods, in that
we are fully conscious of who we are and the nature of
reality. heaven on earth baby.
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