[MD] Quantum Physics

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Sat Dec 2 07:14:03 PST 2006

>From: Laird Bedore stated November 30th:
>I'm pulling this straight from the sky with a wide-open invitation to
>cut it up into little bits:
>Quantum Physics is the attempt to understand the interaction-point
>between DQ and SQ.


Regarding the MOQ, I think it would be better to say that quantum physics is 
solely concerned with explaining and manipulating inorganic static quality 
patterns _at the micro-level_ rather than the interaction-point between 
_all_ DQ and SQ.

To say quantum physics is "The interaction point between [all] DQ and SQ" 
doesn't seem to lay right with me as that same sentence could be describing 
the continual interaction between an artist and a canvass or other 
interactions which are part of the macro world (for instance, in the 
biological and social realms) rather the micro world.  In other words, the 
definition you give above is too reductionist (towards ontological 

In addition to the work of John D. Barrow previously mentioned, I should 
have also directed you to "Subjects, Objects, Data and Values" which is 
Pirsig's own paper on the MOQ and quantum physics (given at the 1995 
Einstein meets Magritte Conference).  It can be found on the Forum page at 

Best wishes,



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