[MD] The MOQ's First Principle

Case Case at iSpots.com
Tue Dec 5 08:49:34 PST 2006

The first principle of the MOQ is freedom from static "dictates" to allow 
DQ to flourish.

I'd propose that the first principle of the MOQ is this. "That's the whole 
thing: to obtain static and Dynamic Quality simultaneously. If you don't 
have the static patterns of scientific knowledge to build upon you're back 
with the cave man. But if you don't have the freedom to change those 
patterns you're blocked from any further growth."

Thus the first principle seems to me not "freedom from static dictates", 
but finding the perfect balance between "freedom" and "order" that allows 
growth (expansion within a level) and evolution (emerge and expansion of a 
higher level).

Other ideas?

Sure, I think Platt's is fine only backwards I would say: 
The first principle of the MOQ is freedom from dynamic "chaos" to allow SQ
to flourish.

To support this I would point out that biology can not occur until stability
is achieved at the inorganic level. Societies can not exist until biological
needs are met in a stabile fashion and Intellectual development can not
occur until societies are stabile.

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