[MD] The MOQ's First Principle

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Tue Dec 5 10:45:13 PST 2006

At 10:52 AM 12/5/2006, Arlo wrote:
>The first principle of the MOQ is freedom from static "dictates" to allow
>DQ to flourish.
>I'd propose that the first principle of the MOQ is this. "That's the whole
>thing: to obtain static and Dynamic Quality simultaneously. If you don't
>have the static patterns of scientific knowledge to build upon you're back
>with the cave man. But if you don't have the freedom to change those
>patterns you're blocked from any further growth."
>Thus the first principle seems to me not "freedom from static dictates",
>but finding the perfect balance between "freedom" and "order" that allows
>growth (expansion within a level) and evolution (emerge and expansion of a
>higher level).
>Other ideas?

Greetings Arlo,

In Lila's Child (pp.256-258), Platt offered 13 basic principles of 
the MOQ.  RMP annotated these principles by stating, "This summary of 
principles is excellent."


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