[MD] Quantum Physics

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 17 08:22:06 PST 2006

> Chin) I would think “a Way,” or in some traditions,
> “The Way,” is 
> simply a teaching of how to get to consciousness. It
> would seem to me 
> we are all conscious to a degree, and don’t realize
> how much 
> consciousness works its way into our psyche, what
> would be referred to 
> here as “intuition.” 

     Consciousness, as in involves a way about itself,
I would say is clear.  Consciousness is clear. 
Consciousness conforms to whatever is being
emphasized.  Consciousness doesn't emphasize, and is
not selfish in stating what is to be noticed. 
Consciousness doesn't have an outside agenda. 
Consciousness goes along with anything and even
nothing in particular.  The emphasis or direction
applied upon channeling consciousness is perspective
maybe?  Thus, what we are conscious of is due to our
perspective, and from here, perspective is cultivated
and built upon by numerous sources.  As I stated, it
seems, consciousness is clear and involves no agenda
of its' own, except for what consciousness is, thus,
does involve a way about itself.  Consciousness is
influenced and directed by perspective which would
seem to hold 'gravitational' type influence. 
Perspective pulls us here or over there.  When
perspective and consciousness line-up and perspective
is let go, then perspective is mu, clear, and dq is

> Chin) Stuckness, a good word. When I think of
> stuckness, I think of 
> older folks who get stuck in the way they are, no
> longer willing to 
> consider DQ, because they have become comfortable in
> their 
> understanding, and no longer growing. They may be
> preparing to pass on 
> to the next life or stage, no longer concerned or
> excited with the 
> current one.

     Stuck and stuckness are terms Pirsig uses in ZMM.
 I know Pirsig uses stuckness when it comes to
trappings that close one off from dynamic quality.  I
don't know if Pirsig uses these terms in this way or
not, but I would venture to say that being stuck is a
latch too tight, too tense, and too strong.  Stuck
upon dq, though, is latching upon dq, thus, upon
nothing.  Yet, to stick, and keep sticking and
latching upon dq is also keeping in mind that
something is present that is continually able to stick
and latch upon dq.  Therefore, this continually
latching by something, without getting particular,
this something is sq.  Thus, this continual effort is
acknowledging that the distinction of sq is still
lurking, latching, and not going away as sq is stuck
upon latching dq.  This kind of stuckness is old,
ancient, and since MoQ is defining a reality, thus,
this reality must be old and ancient, for, evolution
is mentioned, and the value patterns latching and
levels linked from inorganic to intellect.  Thus,
being stuck upon dq allows for dq, and is an old,
original intellectualized latch helping society(ies). 
To be stuck upon ego is a latching that is shutting
out dq.  Stuckness, at least as I see it, can go
either way.  Stuck with dq or stuck with sq, which the
latter would not or fainting acknowledge dq and these
are the trappings Pirsig mentions in ZMM.  The former
acknowledges sq is still here, thus, sq isn't

even warmer today than yesterday, maybe I will
eventually move further north,

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