[MD] On Balance: Dewey, Pirsig and Granger

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 17 18:06:42 PST 2006

> Mark: Hello SA.
> I understand now.
> You thought i was attacking you when i spoke of
> simulation because it may  be 
> enquired if you are simulating all that Zen shit?
> This was not my intention SA.
> I was not suggesting you were simulating.

     Well, I wasn't quite sure to be honest.  I'd
figure this might come up though if we kept

> However, after careful examination of your posts and
> the sudden application  
> of the, 'I'm just a mirror' malarkey my bullshit
> detector is all aquiver.
> It get the feeling you have an ego and it's not a
> happy bunny.

     Oh, this mirror stuff, isn't just me saying your
stuff back to you, as I stated already.  It is like a
worksheet.  The teacher teaches in class this stuff,
but I've got to go home and work on this stuff.  The
teacher hands out a worksheet about this stuff, but
doesn't quite repeat the stuff the same exact way that
the teacher mentioned it in class.  I was
intellectually working upon your stuff.  Happy... I
couldn't wait for replies, this discussion has been a
wonderful practice of intellectual activity, thanks.

> Next move from SA: Disengage DuMB style cos he's
> discovered he's out of his  
> depth, followed by a trashing of coherence for no
> explicable reason other than 
> a  nasty bitterness he didn't have the imagination
> to think of something like 
> that  himself. Just like those who pissed all over
> Orpheus! How ironic is 
> that?

     Huh?  Out of depth, quietness provides enough
depth to mu me all day and night.  
     Huh?  When did I trash coherence?  I've used it
in another thread already, but I'll quit doing that if
you don't want me to use it, but while I was writing
it in the other thread, it seemed to be the best way
to tie up some loose ends.  But I don't want to
disrespect your terminology and use it without your
permission, so, I'll quit now if you want me to?  

> Welcome to the cult SA.

     Oh, don't follow me, I'm just a tiny skull trying
to understand.  Your funny.

> Hot curry. Wind silent, but deadly.

     stinky too, is it?

lights on the tree, blackness in the window,

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