[MD] Reading & Comprehension

skutvik at online.no skutvik at online.no
Mon May 3 01:16:55 PDT 2010


1 May. you wrote: 

> Pirsig said to Platt and Bo: 

(NB, from "Lila's Child" Annotation 133 page 423)  

    "Therefore to say that the MOQ is based on SOM reasoning is 
    as useful as saying that the Ten Commandments are based on 
    SOM reasoning.  

As said before look how OBJECTIVELY and ACADEMICALLY - i.e,. 
somishly - Pirsig went about to present the Quality Idea in ZAMM. For 
it to stand a chance it had to be rationally presented like a wrestler 
must use his opponents own momentum to fell him the MOQ had to 
use SOM's objective strength to beat it. Had he said that it was 
delivered to him on stone tablets (like the ten commandments were 
said to be) he would have been the laughing stock of his school.  

    It doesn't tell us anything about the essence of the Ten 

Right those must be seen in the light of the social god-run reality.

    .....and it doesn't tell us anything about the essence of the 

The essence of the MOQ is of course to transcend SOM (the 
intellectual level IMO) and a tenet of the MOQ is this "dynamic - 
unstable - pattern of the lower level being the vehicle of DQ for the 
next development. The MOQ is no static level (I know that) but 
somehow it's "out of intellect" so the said tenet applies.    

    "I think this conclusion undermines the MOQ, ... The MOQ is in 
    opposition to subject-object metaphysics. To say that it is a 
    part of that system which it opposes sounds like a dismissal. ...  

Course the MOQ is in opposition to the S/O metaphysics , no one 
denies that, but it is also plain that the S/O distinction must be kept as 
an asset - the MOQ is no return to the past - and it's only and natural 
place is the intellectual level, som much of what Pirsig writes indicates 

> I see a lowering of the quality of the MOQ itself if you follow this
> path of subordinating it to that which it opposes." 

I had expected a more "learned" discussion from a MOQ scholar  than 
this  Andre-like "parroting" (learned it from Ron ;).


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