[MD] Reading & Comprehension

Andre Broersen andrebroersen at gmail.com
Mon May 3 01:20:12 PDT 2010

Bodvar to Platt, Horse, Andre and All:

One can get too smart-ass. About the MOQ as a (subjective)
representation of reality" in contrast to "the MOQ as (objective) reality"
reflects SOM and I recommend ZAMM's Newton parable. His theory
created the Gravity Reality and the MOQ will create the Quality Reality
.. when it's rid of its crypto--SOMists;-)  Regrettable Pirsig's
Quality/MOQ meta-metaphysics also reflects SOM.

How can you say that the MOQ is something 'subjective' when I point out that the MOQ is a metaphysical representation of reality and not the reality it represents. It is an intellectual PoV.

Reality is direct experience.

Nothing smart-arsed about this. You are the one who claims that the MOQ=Reality. In the MOQ there are no objects or subjects... there are patterns of value. The good old SOM objects have been transformed into inorganic and organic PoV's and subjects have been transformed into social and intellectual PoV's. I know that you consider this configurations one of Pirsig's enormities, but there you have it.

And when you say that 'the MOQ will create the Quality reality' what do you mean? The Quality reality is right now Bodvar, right this very moment... all you gotta do is listen to the sound of that Quality.

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