[MD] matter antimatter

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sun May 16 13:12:18 PDT 2010

On May 16, 2010, at 3:35 PM, Fam. Kintziger-Karaca wrote:

> hi gang , marsha
>> I think that nature is one of the most dynamic static patterns, 
>> but it's still pattern applied to DQ.  
>> Marsha
> taking nature for a lead in this sentence-abstraction, is missing the point entirely.
> I think Marsha used "nature" merely as an example.
> For the point is this:
> When Stephen Hawking is speaking about time or space, he is always saying spacetime, or timespace,
> because he knows that one cannot exist without the other (quantumphysiks), both are always present.
> Albert Einstein did the same. Based on his own theory of relativity, gravity, time,
> Einstein always said, timespace, or spacetime. Both are always present.
> matter-antimatter
> light-dark
> positive-negative
> space-time
> time-space
> Look closely at what Pirsig did with static/dynamic , dynamic can only exist if static is first,...
> but both need to be present.Mr Pirsig is aware of scientific evidence.And probably this is also the reason
> that the Quality-theory, as a metaphysikal branch of the unificationtheory, is completely backwards congruent
> with both relativitytheory, and quantumphysiks, as a metaphysikal branch!..
> just completely incredible, Mr Pirsig did wat Einstein, Hawking, and all modern science are trying to reach
> in physiks, but he did it for metaphysiks and compatible, with all previous physikal knowledge.
> They should really reward Mr Pirsig with the Nobel prize for this achievement.

Yes, this is very much like "form is emptiness, emptiness is form": interdependence.  If Bohr 
and Heisenberg were alive, I am sure they would appreciate the MoQ.  At least, Bohr would.
I feel relieved when I read that the Quantum perspective is beyond common sense explanation.  

> the marriage with Quality, is not in conflict with their both dependence-identities.
> mind this , nobody ever succeeded to develop the unification theory, not even Einstein
> or Hawking.The unification theory lost his possible use , after the Qantumtheory adulted

Ahh, but the Cern Adventure is suppose to prove Hawking's unification theory ;-)

Not to be mean, but I watched the first program of his new television series (Apple TV), and
it was childish.  I haven't watch the second because the first was such a disappointment.
What he is he trying to drum up money for research?   Awful!    

> This is nowedays called , "the standard model"

And the calculation for spin is not just mathematics, it is real!   ;-)   

> Statement of the day(mine), Quality for standard model!!

Entanglement seems a high quality idea.  I'm soon going to be 
learning a bit about black holes.  Can't wait to hear it, but it's not 
a matter of hearing is believing. 

> So, dynamic static patterns was a good assumption marsha, but you need to switch to static/dynamic.

If you're meaning my explanation to Ham, it was simply a terrible way to phrase it.   

> Bye , marsha
> Adrie(drinking som belgian beer).




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