[MD] hey dmb

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Thu May 20 22:41:35 PDT 2010

On May 20, 2010, at 11:17 PM, david buchanan wrote:

> Marsha said to dmb:
> I'm curious to know if the talk you gave on the 'The MOQ at Oxford' video was the only talk you gave?  Did you give a different talk to Oxford students?
> dmb says:
> It was basically the same but I think there were no Oxford students in audience. These were older people, say 35 and up. I was told that three of the audience members were Oxford philosophy teachers, one of which we had drinks with afterward. She was more like a poet, actually, a totally awesome woman. There is at least one thing about the actual event that was different from the outdoor versions Anthony recorded. I asked the audience if anyone had ever read ZAMM and every hand shot straight up like one big salute to Pirsig. I was literally tickled by that very cool moment and I wish it had been recorded. Anyway, I haven't seen it yet but what you probably saw was my first attempt to say it out loud. The taping served as a rehearsal for the talk, which I badly needed. 
> Thanks for asking.   		 	   		  

Well, I really thought the dvd was great.  Thanks for answering.   - Marsha    


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