[MD] The Johnottations

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 09:08:58 PST 2010


You pinpoint the very issue which I say begs  further inquiry:


Begs, I say.  Because imo, Coleridge is hardly "nonsensical" and if it seems
so to a shallow reader, then I'd suggest the reader to consider more deeply
the philosophical points being made.  And I didn't leave that part out
because I was trying to protect Coleridge, I left it out because I was
trying to protect Pirsig, who is plainly befuddled by the words and thought
of one of the English languages greatest poet-thinkers.  However, insults
and aspersions are just throwing sand in the bull's eye.

Methinks there's something rotten in Denmark.

But I'm glad you snapped up the bait, Adrie.  Let's see if you have any
actual substance which will enlighten and further dialogue:

> Adrie
> So you are superposing your endparagraph right above this amputated part
> like in the following......
> And John moves on,....with a wiff of importance..
> -------------------------------------------------
> "Begs, I say...  Begs.  Choice is fundamental to Philosophy.  Heck, Choice
> is
> fundamental to Quality!  Without choice, there is no such thing as quality.
> Coleridge got that, But RMP doesn't quite see it.  He does at the end
> though.  That's what makes this such an important dialogue, in my view.
> Pirsig doubles back on himself.  He comes to a realization THROUGH an
> interaction with the text, and he generously allows us to participate with
> him, in that process that truly transcends the "mere philosophology" as
> he'd
> term most of this exercise."
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Adrie
> Hate to inform you , John, you just defined yourself as a fraude, you are
> on a mission to distort and mislead the others ,.....
> So fruitcake Coleridge got that, But RPM doesn't quite see it? neither does
> the rest of the group, until now.
> Forgetting something is one thing , but superpose your drivel over the
> alleged forgetten part in this way , is fraudulant.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Ok, I'm still waiting.... so far, all you seem to be good for Adrie is "dmb
good, John bad".  You can repeat that mantra over and over, but until you
actually deal with the deep and meaningful issues I have offered, you are
just a parrot.

Would you care to disentangle Choice and Quality for us?  If you can do
that, then you will have exhibited a bit of mind to which I can respond.
Otherwise if its just insults and mis-applied aspersions, I'm not that

> Only  one ps remark.
> quoting John
> "And I do have them (Coppl. Ann) entirely cut up and in my drafts box, in
> order, for when I feel like chewing upon a piece or two.   I enjoy them
> quite a bit, but boy I wish Coppleston had done a bit on the great American
> Philosophical movements of the turn of the century, and Pirsig had
> commented
> upon Royce, Pierce and Santayana in the same philosopholgical style which
> he
> turned on Bradley, Coleridge and Carlyle."
> There is a lot of meaty dialogue to be derived stuff like this.  It
> practically begs for a response:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Adrie
> Following Coldridge in distorting reality, as why he was dismissed by
> Mr Pirsig in the annotations,nice, rewriting history.
> "Attention"
> "Attention"
> "Attention"
> "here and now boys"

Polly wanna cracker?  Or dialogic wrangling?

Choice is yours, Adrie.  Choice is everybody's.  Choice is everything.


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