[MD] Rorty and Mysticism

John Carl ridgecoyote at gmail.com
Sat Nov 20 12:11:17 PST 2010

Hi Marsha,

> I'd say the experience is to realize first-hand the nature of the mind.

Yes, that is kind of what I'm saying.  What choice do I have?  I'm always
realizing first-hand the nature of mind.  It's just what  I do, from moment
to moment and day to day, without effort or taking lessons.  If I stopped,
then I'd be somewhat removed from myself, and experience mind second-hand,
right?  But that seems to be the tricky part to me.  That part that would
take such work!   Experiencing mind first hand is just "doing what comes
naturally." with no effort at all.

Of course, I get accused a lot of being lazy, but oh well.  That's a first
hand experience also!

>  No
> independent, "real" self and no independent, "real" objects.

There can't really be any self, independent.  There is only
self-in-relation.  I agree completely.

> And isn't the
> MoQ pointing beyond a reality based on self and objects towards a reality
> based on Quality.  Well, nothing beats seeing if for yourself.

Nothing, of course, except maybe a really nice MLT, Mutton Lettuce and
Tomato sandwich where the mutton is sliced nice and thin and the lettuce is
real crisp and fresh.--  Miracle Max.

I've been enlightened before, it's not brand new to me.  Alan Watts, Steve
Asma, Gary Snyder,Pirsig and a wonderful compilation of the works themselves
Roaring Streams, they all pointed pretty much to the same moon.

What I wonder, sometimes, is the value of seeking more fingers, more
explanations, more words.  Or even  the good ol' words, over and over again
as dmb is fond of quoting like a child afraid of getting the wrong answer;
how much repetition is needed?  I mean, would "neti-neti-neti" be of more
value than "neti, neti"?

I dunno.  To me, time is precious and oughta be lived afresh in every
moment.  Emphasizing a certain set of words ad nauseum, doesn't sound like
my idea of a quality life.

If you ordered
> 'Mind In The Balance', it will be explained by one very knowledgable about
> this type of insight.  Mine would be the explanation of a bug.
And yes, I did finally figure out my wife's ordering sytem, and the book is
on the way . :-)  Busted!  I feel "like a movie cartoon character who has
just walked beyond the edge of a cliff but hasn't fallen yet because he
hasn't realized his predicament."  Obviously I am seeking, I am here.
Onward realization!  Interpretive skills perhaps.  How to come together.
Understanding and coming into accord with others.  Absolute Pragmatism
smells like something to me.  Something good.

And you always smell good too, Marsha, when you let anybody's nose get close



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