[MD] Pragmatic Fruits Indeed

rapsncows at fastmail.fm rapsncows at fastmail.fm
Wed Nov 24 00:59:59 PST 2010

dmb, andre,
real quick,

> dmb says:
> The present moment is where all the action is but this is going to be aimless without the patterns of the
> past.

I agree, and said something similar to Andre myself.

> [DMB] The idea, i think, is that the nature and 
>  quality of the present moment is intertwined with where it's been and
>  where its going. 

Two questions seem to beg asking:

1) can we say how this 'intertwining' works?
2) how does an 'I' survive it intact?  (or, what word(s) should we use
to describe this mystical experience for the 'I'?)

  rapsncows at fastmail.fm

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