[MD] Pragmatic Fruits Indeed

Jan-Anders jananderses at telia.com
Wed Nov 24 07:25:36 PST 2010

The I is in the center of the time sphere representing the actual 
dynamic three dimensional pattern. Anything outside is valuated from the 
balancing point in its origo. Actions are made out of choices to balance 
up its actual state into a better value ( Quality). 1 is the ultimate 
goal, i e actual mass+shape+virtue divided with ideal mass, shape and 

Dynamic processes without an own ability to valuate and choose by having 
a mirroring selfdistance cannot choose. They can be classified as 
automatic passive followers. Rabbits are not members of Skynet.

Some examples:

Eve wants to give Adam an apple: Eve has to go to the apple tree. 
Stretch her hand to an apple and hand it over to Adam.
What had happen if there was no apples in the Paradise?  (bad numbers of 
What had happened to humanity if Eve had to climb up and accidentally 
fell down and broke her neck? (bad shape)
What had happened if Adam didn't taste the apple? (bad expression)
What have happened if Eve thought that the snake was speaking to someone 
else? (What me worry?)

Succesful hunting is a dynamic process with high quality. You track the 
rabbit, the tracks tells how it use to run and where you can find him. 
Rabbits are in state of perpetual movement. When you're choosing the 
right steps you can come in contact with the rabbit. Next step is to get 
hold of him, by a trap or a gun or something. You choose the right moves 
and if you can get him the hunt is succesful. You and the rabbit is the 
material ingredients, the pieces of mass. The moves of the rabbit and 
your body are the shape of the process. The energy you get from eating 
it is the value of the hunting process. The dynamic quality consists of 
the three. Your I is in the center of your choices. Avoid getting stuck 
to just one of them.

You want green color. Take the best amount of blue and yellow color 
media and mix it together. Media is the mass, blue and yellow is the 
shapes and green is its expressed virtue.

You want tea: Heat up water and pour some tea leaves into it.

Write a submission of good quality: You use your I to find the words 
needed, put them in the right order to give it the best expression.


> dmb, andre, real quick, Tim
>> >  
>> >  dmb says:
>> >  The present moment is where all the action is but this is going to be aimless without the patterns of the
>> >  past.
> [Tim]
> I agree, and said something similar to Andre myself.
>> >  [DMB] The idea, i think, is that the nature and
>> >    quality of the present moment is intertwined with where it's been and
>> >    where its going.
>> >  
> [Tim]
> Two questions seem to beg asking:
> 1) can we say how this 'intertwining' works?
> And,
> 2) how does an 'I' survive it intact?  (or, what word(s) should we use
> to describe this mystical experience for the 'I'?)
> Tim
> -- rapsncows at fastmail.fm
> -- http://www.fastmail.fm - The professional email service

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