[MD] What kind of ethical theory is the MOQ?

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Wed Nov 24 13:43:11 PST 2010

On Nov 24, 2010, at 4:05 PM, 118 wrote:

> Hi Marsha,
> I guess a better way to phrase my question would be to ask:  When you say
> 'I' are you pointing to something, or pointing to the change of that
> something?

And I do not know what you mean by the word "something."  Thing?  I have 
experienced myself to be a flow of bits and pieces of ever-changing, 
interrelated, impermanent static patterns of value.  The label 'I' is a label 
for that process.

>> Marsha:
>> Available patterns are always changing and so is dynamic
>> circumstances.  If I am mindful, the better choice may become
>> apparent, but there is absolute way of knowing for sure what is best.  
>> There is no absolute best.
>> How do _you_ decide what is the best patterns to choose in a given
>> event?
> [Mark]
> Yes, this was what I believe Steve was asking.  

And now I am asking you?

> Mark:
> The brain part reviews what is known as best it can, the emotional
> dictates part of choice, and the "I" intuits the answer.  

Have you become an authority?  
How do you know?  What is your evidence?  How can you be sure?  

> Mark:
> For this I need an "I" which does not change from one moment to another.  

I don't see the need.  

> Mark:
> It is also possible to view this experience as one of watching a movie,
> but this lack of free will does not ring true, no matter what intellectual
> arguments are presented.

I sense in mindfulness the ability to influence the process   But there 
are many patterns within a given situation where I have no influence.  
No, total freewill does not ring true, but influence does.  

> Mark:
> Without your "I", what is making the decision?  If the "I" is ever-changing,
> then when it is in the right place to make the decision?

When you use the word 'what' do you mean what independent self or 
object is making the decision?  My answer could only be there is no 
independent self or objects making the decision.   There is interrelated 
static patterns of value and Dynamic Quality.    

> Thanks,
> Mark

My pleasure,   


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