[MD] Ah-ha Qua Ah-ha

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Sun Nov 28 10:58:01 PST 2010

On Nov 28, 2010, at 1:22 PM, John Carl wrote:

> Hi Marsha,
>> John,
>> I understand the MoQ embraces contradiction.   So please explain
>> what you are saying in this post.  Are you ready to accept unpatterned
>> experience?  Or is that a contradiction?
>> Marsha
> I believe we embrace contradiction, only in transcending it.  We can't
> embrace it by accepting it.  That's irrational (art that doesn't make
> sense).
> Unpatterned experience doesn't make sense to me.  I can't formulate any
> useful conceptualizations at all using "unpatterned experience".  It doesn't
> tie in to any useful thinking.   All experience is patterned in some way or
> another.  The very term "experience" implies a realizable pattern.  Even a
> chaotic mass of white noise, stands out against a background of otherness
> and thus shows itself as a distinct pattern.
> If you want to discuss this in detail, offlist or on, I'm quite willing and
> somewhat primed by my reading in Scott Ryan's book, Objectivism and the
> Corruption of Rationality, of the two main solutions of nominalism and
> realism.
> Take care,
> John

Hi John,  

'Only in transcending it.' is a mouthful.  'Beyond rational explanation' is another.  
Your little post on "mediation as meditation" imeans to compromise to your liking, 
and 'embrace contradiction' means when it seems rational for you to do so. 

You write "All experience is patterned in some way or another".  How do you know?  
It's quite possible you've never had but patterned experience.  All?  All?  All?  What 
comes next a 'therefore'?  


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