[MD] cloud of probability

Joseph Maurer jhmau at comcast.net
Mon Jun 13 20:11:21 PDT 2011

On 6/13/11 3:40 PM, "david buchanan" <dmbuchanan at hotmail.com> wrote:
> The theory of evolution is among the analogies we call reality, among the
> concepts we've invented along with earth and heaven. In the MOQ, reality is
> prior to all analogies and gives rise to all concepts. Reality is continuous
> and flowing and undivided but concepts define and distinguish and limit and do
> nothing but divide. That's why there is always a discrepancy between concepts
> (static) and reality (Dynamic). That's why reality is outside of language.

Hi David and all,

In saying that "reality is outside of language" you have thrown the baby out
with the bathwater.  There is a language of intellect, mathematics, which
identifies logical relationships.  In a DQ/SQ metaphysics what is the
language of DQ?  For myself I accept the language connected to emotions to
be indefinable yet comprehensible.  I can communicate the undefined by
gesture etc.  I accept I can communicate indefinable emotions.

In formalizing communication with logic I move from indefinable emotions to
a defined language, the intellectual level, where defined logic has reality.
Instead of saying that reality is outside of language, I would say that you
can communicate indefinable emotions through gesture, analogy and metaphor.
In mathematics, the intellectual level, forms have logical meanings.


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