[MD] Zen at War

MarshaV valkyr at att.net
Wed Oct 23 04:09:34 PDT 2013


I have had plenty of opportunity to use this type of criticism to investigate an arising sense of "I" and all its attachment, and mostly to derail the observation.  It has provided valuable learning experience.  Andre, a mirror doesn't care about your language, nor do I.   If you really wanted an intellectual MD, you'd introduce intellectual topics in an open and respectful manner.  My understanding that the static world is like an illusion stands.  All conceptual patterns (language) and perceptual patterns (i.e. mental images &etc. ) and all that they might signify are a counterfeit of the actual experience.  It is in this understanding that I say it is "like" an illusion.  You might prefer the term analogue or ghost, but this does not change that there is always a difference between the pattern and the dynamic, unpatterned experience.   


On Oct 22, 2013, at 4:59 PM, Andre <andrebroersen at gmail.com> wrote:

...  Now, in a slithering-in-snot attempt you are trying to slither your way out of it by placing the problem of terms in my hands.

Great EEL!!! You are still masturbating and slithering in a bucket full of big juicy SNOT of your own making satisfying your own narcissistic egotistical tendencies and needs.

Slither your way out of this one. Your biological patterns of value (I assume) are fine, socially you are way down the scale and intellectually your patterns are nowhere in sight.

When, oh when, are you going to leave the intellectual static patterns of value called the MoQ because you are proving, again and again that you have nothing to find nor anything to contribute here.

All hypothetically speaking of course.


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