[MD] Henry Miller, Philosophy & Sex

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Aug 13 04:59:16 PDT 2014

Neat photos there (via the link), Mr Andersson!  I'm sure Henry Miller would have appreciated the cool looking "Memorial Library" established in his name at Big Sur now. (As they say, a picture is as good as a 1000 words...):  

Henry Miller Memorial Library
48603 Highway One
Big Sur, CA 93920

This type of wooded area (seen in these photographs) also reminded me of La Honda, where Ken Kesey & the Merry Pranksters hung out for many years.  Like Big Sur, La Honda is another place of "artistic" interest on Highway One, THE road on the Californian coast.  The 2006 ZMM Roadtrip sort of ended there in Applejacks (Ken Kesey's local bar) listening to a live band playing rock music all night. La Honda and Big Sur are about a two-three hours drive apart (77 miles in a straight line):


Finally, I am just sorry to hear that it was Henry's namesake Arthur that saw action with Ms Munroe...  some of my romantic illusions have now been shattered!  Bugger!  (But The Doc should have known not to turn his back on a man wearing a bowler hat - THE symbol of the CITY of LONDON - especially after all these recent global financial scandals!)  ;-)


Best wishes,


P.S. Never mind, I noticed this at the Henry Miller Memorial Library website:

"You may have heard that our pal Arthur Hoyle recently penned a brilliant biography on Miller, entitled 'The Unknown Henry Miller: A Seeker in Big Sur.' It’s received rave reviews, including one in the Times Literary Supplement."


And, with the CAVEAT that the "Big Sur" of Henry's Miller's was PRIMARILY  ABOUT A STATE OF MIND and NOT the geographical place, also this:

"So you want to come to Big Sur. Or your friend is. You’ve heard nothing 
but great things, but where to begin? Here’s where is where!

Our 'Come to Big Sur' package will equip you with everything you need to truly enjoy your stay in this magical place. It includes:

'Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch', Henry Miller’s love letter to Big Sur. It is the quintessential Big Sur book.

'Hiking and Backpacking Big Sur', by Analise Elliot. Your official and indispensable Bible for your Big Sur excursion, complete with in-depth guides to the trails of Big Sur, Ventana Wilderness, Silver Peak Wilderness, and much more!

'Big Sur: A Wild Coast and Lonely', by Rosalind Sharpe Wall. For anyone preparing to vacation at Big Sur, this book is a charming and compelling introduction to the 'pioneers' of the coast, and to the Indians who preceded them.

A calendar of the upcoming Library events to satisfy all your Big Sur entertainment needs.

AND there’s more! All your books will get the official Henry Miller Library stamp – and we’ll throw in a free postcard!

For only $49.99 and the fact that the package will most certainly 
guarantee a wonderful and rewarding Big Sur experience, this package is a



Jan-Anders Andersson commented (to Ant McWatt) August 12th:




Ant McWatt commented earlier (to Jan-Anders) August 12th:

"Too right, Jan. No doubt Henry Miller's understanding of the point you explain below is why - not at a particular young age - he ended up having the confidence to bed the ultimate "sex symbol" (and er... "night nurse") of his era, Marilyn Monroe!"


From: jananderses at telia.com, August 11th 2014:
"While Henry Miller wrote about sex pretty well but as a mere Romantic issue, I was writing about sex more from a Classic perspective, with the object/subject of a minor importance. Perverted or no, sex is a strong urge affecting anyones daily life. Those who deny it are liars. A philosophy that doesn’t include sex is not complete."
'Astrology deals in potentialities, does it not? I am not interested in the potential man. I am interested in what a man actualizes – or realizes – of his potential being.' 
(p.320, "Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch", H. Miller).



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