[MD] MOQ is good. What is it good for?

Jan Anders Andersson jananderses at telia.com
Thu Oct 2 02:29:13 PDT 2014


10 sep 2014 x kl. 22:57 ARLO JAMES BENSINGER JR wrote:

> [Arlo]
> I've always thought it would be neat to see everyone's "concept map" of who is in their personal circles (or even specific books/articles). For example, I am now about halfway through Henry Miller's Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch, as recommended by Dan. As I read, its apparent why this would 'link' to Pirsig's writings, both in genre and perspective. I think Ant was making (is making? has made?) a library or "bookshelf" of works that would fit as, for lack of a better word, 'sympatico' with Pirsig's thesis. There are the obvious ones, of course (like Granger and Crawford), but ones like Big Sur by Miller would have flown completely outside of my radar had not Dan first recommended it. 

I am halfway through ”The Rosy Crucifixion” which I think is one of the projects Miller was working on at Big Sur. There are some quite nice passages here and there. I have also read almost everything by Henry’s beloved mistress, Anaïs Nin.


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