[MD] What the MOQ community can learn from the rise of the neoliberals

David Harding david at goodmetaphysics.com
Sat Dec 3 23:22:32 PST 2016

dmb wrote:
And we'll all pay the price. Orange Hitler will be in charge of the U.S. military, nukes and all. Even worse? Almost half of the US population is just fine with that.

djh replies:
Yep agree.  But I think the people who it’s under-appreciated have their share of the blame are those intellectuals who sold out to the moneyed (social influence) interests.  Usually not thought so much as immoral but the MOQ shows just how immoral this act is.  

Just last night someone tweeted at me this recent article:


Departments of economics in most of the top universities are apparently mostly now overrun by such rich and powerful neoliberals.

Which brings us full circle to the power of the neoliberals and how they got there to being with. Once again I point to the original article (https://www.effectivealtruism.org/ea-neoliberal
/) and ask your thoughts on some of their non-money reliant tactics?



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