[MF] MOQ and theism

Kevin Perez juan825diego at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 28 18:47:56 PST 2005

Good questions Marty.  Thanks for asking.  I'll attempt an answer or two but I suspect mine won't be any better than yours.  Here goes.
  Living a life of quality, for me, means being compassionate and loving.  It means living in relationship with other people; being aware of the flow of life between us and being willing to risk vulnerability.  Most days I'm at least able to remember these things.
  Re: Intention.  My wife and I celebrated 30 years of marriage last month.  Our relationship back then was more about our intention to love than love.  Today we talk about growing old together, and all that that means.
  Re: Paths to follow.  Other lives to emulate.  Activities and restrictions.  For me, the formula, if there is one, is simply about being honest, aware and above all, commpassionate.
  I think this is what Pirsig was saying in Lila.  What struck me most was, in the end, when the narrator chose to share his life with Lila.  He showed compassion.
  -----Original Message-----
Question for you, Kevin.  What does it mean to "Live a life of Quality"?  What would such a life look like?  Is it merely an INTENTION to live a certain way, or do you envision a path to follow, that any man could emulate?  Would a "life of Quality" require certain activities and restrict others?  I'm curious about what you have in mind when you suggest this.
  Marty J.

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