[MF] Onward and downward!

Steve Mack smackc4 at optusnet.com.au
Mon Feb 20 20:54:18 PST 2006



I harken back a few days to this and to your statement that "The concept of love is a description of a high quality experience".  


You're talking it seems, of the TYPICAL 'High & positive quality' concept of love, as in male/female [or same sex] 'extreme' liking of the other person and ideally of each other.  What if one was an abused [sexually, physically or mentally] child and HATED the actions of a parent/guardian, yet throughout one's life, is still able to [honestly] state, that they 'loved' their abusing parent, despite these actions?


Is this 'love' still a 'high quality' experience in your estimation, even though the experience in the outlined scenario above, was of an extremely LOW quality?



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: MarshaV 
  To: moq_focus at moqtalk.org 
  Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [MF] Onward and downward!

  At 06:36 AM 2/19/2006, Steve wrote:

  >hahaha...Now THERE's an interesting twist!
  >Of course you REALISE Marsha, that now 'we' have to dissect what 
  >'qualities' and levels of love (Love?) exist and that is sure to 
  >provoke a similar result of Metaphysical perceptions...

  I don't think it should.  The concept of love is a description of a 
  high quality experience.  Once it is experienced, it is subject to 
  the static quality that affects all re-interpretation.  If a person 
  holds the belief (static quality) that the high quality experience 
  called love can only be gotten through an interpersonal or religious 
  experience, they are filtering out a huge amount of dynamic experience.

  I think it's enough to know love represent a high quality experience 
  with the MOQ.  I see no reason to interpret or intellectualize 
  individual experiences.  I do see value in detaching it from as much 
  static quality as possible and going for the dynamic.

  While sustaining biological and social patterns
  Kill all intellectual patterns.
  Kill them completely
  And then follow Dynamic Quality
  And morality will be served.
                        (LILA, Chapter 32)


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