[MF] Onward and downward!

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Tue Feb 21 00:02:51 PST 2006

At 11:54 PM 2/20/2006, Steve wrote:

>I harken back a few days to this and to your statement that "The 
>concept of love is a description of a high quality experience".
>You're talking it seems, of the TYPICAL 'High & positive quality' 
>concept of love, as in male/female [or same sex] 'extreme' liking of 
>the other person and ideally of each other.  What if one was an 
>abused [sexually, physically or mentally] child and HATED the 
>actions of a parent/guardian, yet throughout one's life, is still 
>able to [honestly] state, that they 'loved' their abusing parent, 
>despite these actions?
>Is this 'love' still a 'high quality' experience in your estimation, 
>even though the experience in the outlined scenario above, was of an 
>extremely LOW quality?

The word 'love' is a label that can be used to describe a high 
quality experience.  It can be used to describe a dynamic experience, 
or it can be used in a very static way.  To your "What if" question, 
it could be either.  Do I believe you can look at a person (who over 
a lifetime abused you), and experience a dynamic, high quality?  Yes 
I do.  I suppose it depends on the moment and the baggage (static 
quality) you're carrying.  The word 'love' is just a word, a 
descriptor.  It's the quality in the experience that counts.


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